
Meet Cute Book Store and all handmade books, toys, and fun that we have here!

Cute Book Store

My name is Madiane and I am the creative design behind the brand Cute Book Store. It is a pleasure to have you here! To start with I would like to tell you a little bit about me, my brand, and why not, about my dreams.

I am Brazilian, wife, and mother. I have two very special children and we have been living in the United States since 2018.

For a long time I worked for companies in my home country as a consultant in quality management processes and yet I can tell that I always had that secret dream to become an entrepreneur.

And one day I read about sensory toys and books made with fabric and felt and I decided to try to make a book for my daughter and the result of my first quiet book was beautiful and my daughter loved it.

And that was my inspiration to started making Quiet Books to give gifts to my friends’ children and I realized how passionate I was about making these books and most importantly seeing the kids excited and interested in playing with them.

I am grateful to say, that my friends were my first customers when I lived in Brazil and how important was the fact that they encouraged me to continue.

That’s why when I moved with my family to the United States, I already have in my mind that it was time to start developing my brand professionally and the Cute Book Store began!

Honest small business

As a mother, I care about every detail that I put in the pieces I create to ensure that the little one plays and learns happily and safely. As a business owner, I am always open to listen to suggestions or specific needs of each customer.

Some of the educational activities in the sensory books and toys by Cute Book Store encourage the development of:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Basic notions and thinking
  • Concentrated attention
  • Language
  • Memorization
  • Learning colors, shapes, animals, foods, textures, and more.
Develop imagination
Develop imagination

Counting Activity
Develop basic notions
Match colors

For these reasons, the Cute Book Store is a place for those who want to give their kids:

  • A developed toy that engages the family in the playtime and creates an affective memory of this moment;
  • A book that stimulates children’s cognitive development without using electronic resources;
  • A sensory toy that incorporates the use of simple everyday materials and will provide the development of their autonomy safely.

I am happy to share my creations with you and your family! Feel free to give your feedback or request a personalized project. It will be a pleasure to create something unique and special for you. Thank you for visiting Cute Book Store and don’t forget to leave your affection, your comment, and share!